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The Promise Progress Framework

The Promise Progress Framework is being developed by COSLA, the Scottish Government and The Promise Scotland as the mechanism to answer the first question in The Promise Story of Progress: ‘how is Scotland doing in its progress to #KeepThePromise?’.

The Promise Progress Framework

The Promise Progress Framework will use multiple data sources to guide a high-level understanding of the national story of progress across an initial set of aims of the promise. It will use existing data to avoid adding to data collection burden and it will be openly available to support collective understanding and accountability to #KeepThePromise.

The initial set of aims within The Promise Progress Framework were chosen because of the availability of multiple sources of meaningful data required to understand progress on them. This means the outcomes and indicators can be non-exhaustive, intended to be expanded as data improvement and understanding increases. For each aim from the promise, there will be multiple indicators used so that data is telling a story of experience and, eventually, outcomes, not just providing the ability to count outputs. Indicators will be split into processes (the short-term milestones that Scotland can expect to see met if progress is being made) and outcomes (longer-term impacts) to support better understanding of both.

Work to locate The Promise Progress Framework and align it nationally, including with the National Performance Framework, and contextually, with relevant existing outcomes frameworks such as the Children, Young People and Families Outcomes Framework (CYPF), is underway and support for the framework, and input to it, has been given by lots of organisations across Scotland.

The intention is not to set up new governance and reporting structures where unnecessary, but for organisations to begin by reading across from The Promise Progress Framework to their own strategies and monitoring frameworks, to identify alignment, complementarity, or gaps with the work they do, the data they have, and how they use it.  

Further updates on The Promise Progress Framework and the initial set of aims will be available soon. The Promise Progress Framework will be live on this website by the end of 2024.